
The only two pieces of music I wrote.

Hesitant Helpdesk (2015)

This piece was written while I followed the course Composition at the culutural centre of Delft University of Technology in 2016. I played it during the course presentation night that year. Hesitant Helpdesk sheet music can be downloaded here.

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Audio recording of my performance of "Hesitant Helpdesk" in 2016.

Opalio (2016)

Opalio is my first attempt to write a piece for orchestra. From this, I learned that pieces need a solid and recognizable basis for the orchestra to make them work together as one. It feels as if there is no time to breathe in this piece. Needless to say, the performance was a mess, so the only live recording is kept safely locked away. However, I am very lucky to have had this chance to learn the hard way how to write for an orchestra.

Opalio's sheet music can be downloaded here. A computer synthesized version is available below.

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First page sheet music of opalio

First page of the Opalio sheet music for orchestra.